Physical Education
Vision and Intent
“To provide an inclusive, engaging and enriched curriculum that improves student’s health and wellbeing and provides opportunities to show resilience, unity and achievement, whilst promoting lifelong participation in sport.
Engaging, Inclusive and Enriching
Provide an inclusive and engaging curriculum that incorporates the Physical, Social, and Emotional wellbeing for every SCFS Student.
Support and provide the learning tools and resources for students to achieve, regardless of their starting point.
Develop Resilience
To encourage and promote the development of student resilience in various environments and sporting contexts at all ability levels. Students to demonstrate the best version of themselves both in physical activity and can transfer this outside of sport.
Through sport and physical activity, we aim to create the link between resilience and unity to achieve, and develop student’s social skills such as cooperation and teamwork.
Lifelong Participation
To promote the importance of participation in physical activity within and outside the school community and post 16, providing students with sporting links, creative ideas and independence to live active lives.
We also aim to develop other core values within PE including cooperation, equality, respect, courage, inspiration, determination and excellence.
All students participate in a compulsory two hours of PE each week.
Study shows Exercise 'boosts academic performance' of teenagers! The study, of about 5,000 children, found links between exercise and exam success in English, maths and science. British Journal of Sports Medicine
With increasing levels of mental health and obesity issue, we encourage healthy lifestyle choices. Taking part in physical activity regularly is beneficial in improving your child’s overall grades, their self-esteem and develops their personal fitness. We encourage students to take part in extra clubs and be part of school teams at lunchtime and after school.
Students take part in a variety of sports from Year 9-11, including:
PE Kit
Years 7 to 9
Green South Chingford PE T-shirt
Green South Chingford PE shorts
Green South Chingford PE tracksuit/jogging bottoms
Green South Chingford PE tracksuit/fleece zipped jumper
Years 10 and 11
Red or Navy Blue South Chingford PE T-shirt
Red or Navy Blue Socks
Navy Blue shorts
Plain Navy blue jogging bottoms
Plain Navy blue Jumper (no hoods)
All Year Groups
Suitable footwear for activity (No plimsolls/canvas)
No jewellery
Long hair to be tied back