South Chingford Foundation School

Character Curriculum

At South Chingford Foundation School, we want to support the development of students so that they can be happy and successful in whatever their chosen pathway in life.  We believe that this means developing the student not just academically, but also who they are as a person - their character.

Strands within the character curriculum include:

  • Character lessons
  • SMSC/PSHE lessons
  • Assemblies
  • Careers and Pathways

Our character curriculum is taught explicitly in form time.  Students learn how to develop their character strengths.  They also have social, mental, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) lessons along with Personal Social Health Education lessons where they develop an understanding of current affairs. Statutory sessions are planned for the development of SMSC as outlined in the government and Ofsted guidance. All of the above support students to develop their own personal character and individuality.

We have planned backwards from what character strengths a happy and well-rounded student would have when they leave South Chingford Foundation School. From this, we have mapped the key units that they would need to cover in the Character Curriculum to support them to get there. We have also used government and Ofsted guidance to ensure that essential lessons are included to meet statutory guidance and the needs of our students within the context of our school.